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Studies found that we’re under more stress today than our parents were 30 years ago. Time magazine's June 6, 1983 cover story called stress "The Epidemic of the Eighties" and referred to it as the leading health problem of the eighties era; there can be little doubt that the situation has progressively worsened since then.

Numerous surveys confirm that adult Americans perceive they are under more stress than a decade or two ago. A 1996 Prevention magazine survey found that almost 75% feel they have "great stress" one day a week with one out of three indicating they feel this way more than twice a week. One can assume that today’s level of perceived stress is even more impacting than it was in 1996.

Studies also say that job stress is the leading source of stress for adults. Stress levels have also shot up in children, teenagers, college students and the elderly, the reasons include:
Increased crime,

  • Violence and other threats to personal safety;
  • Pernicious peer pressures that lead to substance abuse and other unhealthy life style habits;
    Social isolation and loneliness;
  • The erosion of family and religious values and ties;
  • The loss of other strong sources of social support that are powerful stress busters;
  • The more increasingly sense of loss of control.
Common medical opinion is that 96% of all illness is either a direct result of stress, or greatly aggravated by it. Too frequent, extreme, or prolonged mobilization strains us and generates distress signals. The body can convey distress signals in a variety of ways, often in the form of symptoms including irritability, anger, anxiety, depression, fatigue, tension headaches, stomachaches, hypertension, migraine headaches, ulcers, heart conditions, colitis, and a number of other possible symptoms.

Eventually, stress can lead to even more serious distress, such as cancer, diabetes or thyroid dysfunction. In addition to the many physiological consequences associated with stress, we also pay a psychological price when we experience unrelieved stress.

For example, anxiety and panic attack conditions, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism can result from, or can be aggravated by, unrelieved stress. So it is very important to become aware of the stress, if any, in your life.

Take immediate proactive action to better manage stress and your health. At the same time make permanent necessary changes in your lifestyle and approach life in a way that you live a less stressed life and keep anxiety as well as depression at bay. If you look for strategies to handle stress you will find many helpful websites, which give detailed information and help regarding stress management. The better you are at managing stress, the healthier and happier your life will be.

In case you are unable to manage your stress on your own, do visit a doctor, he might prescribe you some stress and anxiety medicines. Anxiety medicines like xanax tranquilizers are easily available online. You can buy xanax or order xanax or other related medicines online for your stress and anxiety management.

The author, Sera Redmonds, addresses mental health related issues and anti-anxiety pills like xanax.
Article Source:

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Sandalwood oil is extracted from Santalum album from the Santalaceae family and also known as East Indian sandalwood, santal, saunders and sandalwood Mysore.

Oil properties: The oil has a woody, exotic smell, subtle and lingering. The color of the oil is pale yellow to pale gold.

Origin of sandalwood oil: Sandalwood is an evergreen, parasitic tree that burrows its roots into other trees and it can grow up to 9 meters (30 feet) high and has a brown-gray trunk, many smooth slender branches, leathery leaves and small pink-purple flowers.

It can take thirty to sixty years for a tree to reach full maturity, when it is cut and distilled. The yellowish wood is sold in thin scrapings.

It is commonly agreed that the best essential oils are from Mysore in India.
The documented use of Sandalwood goes back 4000 years and caravans from India to Egypt, Greece and Rome were a familiar sight. Many temples were built from Sandalwood and the Egyptians used it in embalming.

Sandalwood was much in demand as incense; it had a calming effect during meditation.
Once Sandalwood was used for making furniture and caskets, but as it is nearly extinct, it is only used for the distillation of oil.

Extraction: Sandalwood oil is extracted from the chipped heartwood and roots by steam distillation and yields 4-6.5%.

Chemical composition: The main chemical components are: Santalol, Furfurol and Santalene.

Precautions: Generally Sandalwood oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing.

Therapeutic properties: The therapeutic properties of Sandalwood oil are: antiseptic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, emollient, expectorant, sedative and tonic.

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Uses: This relaxing oil could be useful for tension, depression, nervous exhaustion, chronic illness and anxiety.

Sandalwood oil could be useful for chest infections, sore throats and dry coughs that accompany bronchitis and lung infections.

It could alleviate cystitis and bladder infections, also helpful with sexual problems such as frigidity and impotence.

Sandalwood oil relieves itching and inflammation of the skin, is good for scarring, dry eczema, ageing and dehydrated skin.

Summary: Sandalwood oil can be helpful for the nervous system, for chest infections, for sexual problems and for skin care.

Burners and vaporizers: In vapor therapy Sandalwood oil can be used for: aphrodisiac, bronchitis, coughs, insomnia, irritability, nervous tension, stress, tension, for relaxing and as an insect repellant.

Blended oil or in the bath: As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath, Sandalwood oil can assist with: bladder infections, bronchitis, coughs, cystitis, eczema, insomnia, scar tissue, irritability, nervous tension, stress, tension, as an aphrodisiac and for relaxing.

Gargle: Sandalwood oil can be effective when diluted and used as a gargle for a sore or dry throat.

Lotions or creams: When used in a lotion or cream Sandalwood oil can assist with: chapped, dry or inflamed skin.

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By Laura Turner

Let's face it, stress is everywhere. It lurks in every corner and around every bend, just waiting to "get" us. And study after study concludes that although some stress can be productive, prolonged stress can lead to chronic illness.

Yet, stress can only "get us" if we let it. If we can agree that the mind and body are interconnected, than I believe you can actually decide to manage stress, take control of it and instantly over-come the negative influences brought to you by your environment.

Now, stay with me for the "clinical" stuff. Scientific evidence supports that the stress of the body comes from the nervous system's "fight or flight response." If you haven't heard this term before, it's when the body suspects trauma and instantly shifts into "survival mode" based on the stimulus of an oncoming stress factor.

This "survival mode" response, does terrible things to the body including increasing heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, muscle tension. These are the bad boys that can lead to harmful changes over time.

Now for the good news: you can teach your body not to make the shift into survival mode. Do this by retraining your body to create its own relaxation response. How? Begin by incorporating these three proven relaxation rescue techniques into your own life:

Meditation provides an escape from stress as it refocuses the mind on something else - most often the breath. The benefits of meditation counteract the negative stress-responses by creating a mode of deep inner peace and physical health. It does this by slowing the heart rate and lowering the blood pressure. It also includes many other benefits including those of anti-aging.

As I've so often told readers: there really is no one right way to meditate. For our purposes however, I will give you a meditative grounding exercise that can help you on your way.

Grounding Exercise:
Sit with your legs crossed in a comfortable Indian style position with your hands relaxed on your lap. If you like you can also sit in a chair with your feet on the floor and posture tall. Close your eyes and imagine a beam of light dropping from the base of your spine through the earth, connecting you to its center. Allow this beam of light to expand in width until it is wider than your own body and envelopes it. This is your personal space.

This exercise places you totally in you body and reminds you that you are anchored to the earth. Remember, the more grounded you are the more aware you are. During your 10-20 minute meditation session, aim to sense the presence of your higher self.

Mindful Breathing:
Practicing to breathe through your nose and breathing from the diaphragm can also help your body relax and de-stress. In the same way that meditation calms the body, mindful deep breathing from the diaphragm can elicit a relaxation response that can calm the body and help you refocus in times of perceived stress. It will also work to counteract the negative effects of the dangerous flight or flight response.

Here's an exercise in deep breathing you can work on daily to help train your body for relaxation. This exercise will help you better utilize the diaphragm and help you retrain your body to intake oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide more effectively:

First take in three maximum breaths inhaling from the nose and exhaling from the nose. Next as you take in your next three maximum breaths, focus on contracting your stomach muscles and increase the size of breath with each inspiration. Focus on feeling the expansion of your diaphragm as you exhale and deflation as you exhale.

Walking is an exercise that can put you into a relaxation state almost immediately. I walk for fitness and have walked my way to weight loss (more on this later), but I believe the best quality of walking is that it creates a sense of balance and flow with the body. It has also been scientifically linked to cardiovascular endurance, as well as noted for its ability to counteract many of the damaging fight or flight responses we have mentioned above.

For myself, I've invested in a walking pedometer and have made every effort to stay close to 10,000 steps each day.
To de-stress, try to find 1/2 hour each day to walk. Your body will thank you for it.

Relaxing Quickies:
When we become stressed and need a relaxation rescue, this is most often the time when the least opportunity for a full relaxation overhaul exists. Yet, if we spend time nurturing our relaxation response using the exercises above, we can draw from the relaxation experience.

Therefore, by practicing the three aforementioned exercises in your daily life, you can learn to draw from the relaxation response when you feel the threat of oncoming stress. For example, when you feel stress coming at you, take a deep relaxing breath, close your eyes and draw from the calming energy of your meditative space or take a quick walk to bring your body back into balance.

I think you will find, the more you practice these relaxation techniques each day, the more often your body will involuntarily shift from fight or flight mode directly into that of relaxation rescue!

Laura M. Turner is a health journalist, author and net-preneur. She hosts: Beauty & Body Online http://www.beauty-and-body.com Your Home For Natural Health, Wellness & Creative Abundance. Visit: http://www.new-body-news.com to sign up for her free eZine: The New Body news and Wellness Letter.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Turner

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Lavender is considered the most useful of all essential oils. Lavender is known to help relieve headaches, insomnia, tension and stress. Its therapeutic properties have been well chronicled all over the world. Originally an inhabitant of the Mediterranean countries, this perennial herb has long been recognized for its exotic perfume and medicinal properties.

Used in past by the ancient Romans for its healing and antiseptic qualities, the name itself comes from the Latin “lavare” or “to wash”. Tibetans still make an edible lavender butter to use as part of a traditional treatment for nervous disorders. Today, the essential oil of lavender is widely used across Europe and North America for a number of illness and medical problems.

Lavender is just a beautiful herb in your garden. It has gray-green, pointing leaves that grow in a bushy, spreading manner. It is crowned with tall spikes of beautiful pale violet flowers during summer.

As an ornamental flower, lavender is unique, sporting exotic fragrance, beauty and a rich harvest of sweet smelling blooms. Old English Lavender, a popular inhabitant of a cottage garden, can grow up to two to three feet high, producing fragrant grayish leaves and blue/purple flowers.

The more compact variety Hidcote, has darker blue flowers, grows to around a foot high and is very pretty in any flower or herb garden. The easiest way to propagate lavender is to cut softwood cuttings in the spring. However, as lavender benefits from a light pruning in early autumn, these clippings make excellent new plants too, as long as you protect them from frosts and winter bite.

With its flowery fragrance Lavender is the most versatile and useful oil. If you are a newbie to essential oils, you may need to start here by using lavender oil.

Called the “Swiss army knife of essential oils”, because of its versatility, lavender is very soothing to sun burnt skin and is used to cleanse cuts and skin irritations.

Essential oil of lavender is used in aromatherapy practices to get rid of depression, fight tiredness and get relaxation. It has strong disinfectant properties and was even used on the wars to prevent infection and relieve pain.

A drop of lavender oil mixed with a teaspoon of carrier oil, such as grape seed and massaged into the temples and back of the neck will drive away headaches. Mixed with any massage oil, it also helps relieve the pain of arthritis or aching muscles. Occasionally, just a small cotton ball with droplets of lavender near your pillow can help you drift off to a deep sleep.

Lavender essential oil can help reduce anger and frustration, while improving your self esteem. Lavender is found to elicit the emotion of happiness. Lavender has a property of calming and sedating effects.

You can also use lavender, by scenting a relaxing and antiseptic bath by slowly adding lavender droplets and letting the bath water run over it as it fills the bath. Fresh lavender flowers are excellent for bath too.

Dried lavender is a tool to experience the sheer aromatic properties in a relaxed ambience. To dry your lavender, strip the leaves or the just opening flowers from the stalk and spread out in a warm place, before using in pot pourris to fragrance your rooms. Around your home, dried lavender stalks can be burned like incense sticks or burned on the fire for their wonderful fragrance.

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Jasmine essential oil is extracted from either Jasminum officinale, both from the Oleaceae family and is also known as jasmin, jessamine and common jasmine.

Uses: It is a valuable remedy in Oil properties: Jasmine essential oil has a sweet, exotic and rich floral smell and the oil is deep orange-brown in color. The species Jasminum grandiflorum (royal jasmine, Spanish or Catalonian jasmine or jati) is also used for essential oil extraction, but our 20% blend is made from Jasminum officinale.

Origin of jasmine oil: Jasmine is an evergreen fragile climbing shrub that can grow up to 10 meters (33 feet) high. It has dark green leaves and small white star-shaped flowers, which are picked at night when the aroma is most intense.

An experienced picker can pick 10,000-15,000 blossoms per day. Originally from China and Northern India, brought to Spain by the Moors and the Mediterranean with France, Italy, Morocco, Egypt, China, Japan and Turkey producing the best essential oil now.

The name Jasmine is derived from the Persia 'yasmin'. The Chinese, Arabians and Indians used Jasmine medicinally, as an aphrodisiac and for ceremonial purposes.

In Turkey the wood is used for making rope stems. Jasmine tea is a Chinese favorite (but Jasminum sambac - Arabian jasmine - is normally used for this) and in Indonesia it is a popular garnish.

Extraction: In manufacturing, Jasmine oil is produced as a 'concrete' by solvent extraction, and an absolute is obtained from the concrete by separation with alcohol, and an essential oil is produced off the absolute by steam distillation.

1,000 lbs of flowers yield approximately one pound of liquid concrete, which yields 0.2% aromatic molecules.

Chemical composition: The main chemical components of Jasmine oil are: Benzyl, Nerol, Terpineol, Linalyl acetate, Methyl anthranilate, Jasmone and Farnesol.

Precautions: Jasmine oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and generally non-sensitizing, although some people do have an allergic reaction to the oil. As Jasmine oil is used to ease labor as well as an emmenagogue, it should not be used during pregnancy. It can impede concentration, so should be used with care.

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Therapeutic properties: The therapeutic properties of Jasmine oil include: anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, stimulant and emollient.

It soothes the nerves and produces a feeling of confidence, optimism and euphoria. It revitalizes and restores energy. Jasmine oil facilitates delivery in childbirth: it hastens the birth by strengthening the contractions and at the same time relieves the pain.

It is effective in post-natal depression and promotes the flow of breast milk. Because of its soothing and calming nature, Jasmine oil helps with sexual problems such as impotence, premature ejaculation and frigidity.

In the respiratory system it also soothes irritating coughs and helps with hoarseness and laryngitis. It helps with muscle pain, sprains, and stiff limbs. Jasmine tones dry, greasy, irritated and sensitive skin, increases elasticity and is often used to assist with stretch marks and scarring.

Summary: Jasmine is very valuable oil and is used for severe depression, for childbirth, sexual problems, on the respiratory tract, for muscle pain and for toning the skin.

Burners and vaporizers: In vapor therapy Jasmine oil can be useful for: addiction, depression, nervousness, coughs, relaxation and tension.

Blended oil or in the bath: Jasmine oil can be used as blended massage oil or diluted in the bath for: addiction, postnatal depression, relaxation, muscle pain, coughs, tension, stress and nervousness.

Lotion and creams: Jasmine oil can be used in a base cream or lotion for dry or greasy and sensitive skin, as well as assisting with stretch marks and scars.

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The following recipes are based on 1/2 ounce of base oil (jojoba or sweet almond). You may increase the proportions as needed. (I.e. double the amount of essential oils used for 1 ounce of base oil.) To make an undiluted hair oil blend from any of these recipes, combine 10 drops of each oil in a 4 ml amber bottle.

Basic Hair Oil: This blend is soothing and refreshing to the scalp. Add 2 drops rosemary, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops clary sage, and 2 drops jasmine absolute to 1/2 ounce base oil.

Ylang-ylang blend: Add 2 drops lavender, 2 drops rose geranium, 2 drops ylang-ylang, and 2 drops patchouli to 1/2 ounce base oil.

Relaxing, Conditioning Blend: Add 2 drops Roman chamomile, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops sandal wood, and 1 drop jasmine absolute to 1/2 ounce base oil.

Earth Rose blend: Add 2 drops Roman chamomile, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops sandalwood and 2 drops lavender to 1/2 ounce base oil.

Scaly scalp and dandruff-prevention blend: Add 2 drops Atlas cedar wood, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops rosemary, and 2 drops tea tree to 1/2 ounce base oil.

Hair Oil Treatment
6 to 8 drops undiluted hair care oil blend, 1/2 ounce sweet almond or jojoba base oil (or 1/4 ounce of each)

Combine base oil and essential oils and mix well. Double recipe is needed for long hair so oil will cover all of the hair. Apply oil gently throughout hair. Wear a shirt that you don't mind getting a little oily, or cover your shoulders until oil is absorbed into the hair well.

Cover your head with a plastic cap or your pillow with a few bath towels if you plan to sleep with the hair oiled. Leave oil on hair for at least 1 hour.To rinse, add shampoo directly to the oiled hair before you rinse or wet it. The shampoo emulsifies the oils, resulting in a much more thorough rinse.

For scenting a brush or a comb: Add 2 to 3 drops of hair care oils directly to a hair brush or comb before using. If you have a wooden comb, the oil can be rubbed directly into the comb.Hair absorbs scent quite readily. The oil also conditions hair as you brush or comb. This is a good treatment for both men and women.

To massage scalp: Place 3 to 5 drops of oils on your fingertips and lightly massage into scalp. In summer, try this while your hair is still damp; sit in sun and enjoy being surrounded by aromatic oils as your hair dries. In winter you can get the same effect with a blast or two from the blow drier.

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Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus
Method of Farming: Conventional
Country of Origin: Spain

Extraction: Steam distillation of the fresh or partially dried leaves and mature branches.

Characteristics: Colorless to pale yellow with a strong, fresh, camphorous odor and woody undertone.

Oil properties: Eucalyptus has a clear, sharp, fresh and very distinctive smell. It is pale yellow in color and watery in viscosity.

Origin of eucalyptus oil: The Australian Blue-gum can sometimes reaches a height of 100 meters (300 feet), making it one of the highest trees in the world. There are over 500 species of Eucalyptus trees and they have blue-green long, narrow, tough leaves, creamy white flowers and smooth pale bark.

The 'eu' and 'kalypto' means 'well' and 'covered' in Greek, referring to the cup-like membrane that covers the flower bud and is thrown off as the flower expands. The Australian Aborigines calls the Eucalyptus 'kino'. One of their uses for it was to cover serious wounds with the leaves.
Eucalyptus was introduced to Europe in 1788, and the first oil exported to England was called 'Sydney peppermint'. It was extracted from Eucalyptus peperita which is a more industrial type of oil.
The Eucalyptus uses a lot of water while growing, thus it drains land where usually malaria was found, making it a healthier climate for living.
Extraction: Eucalyptus oil is extracted from the fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs.
Chemical composition: The main chemical components of Eucalyptus are: Camphene, Citronellal, Fenchene, Phellandrene and Cineole.
Precautions: Eucalyptus oil should be used with care and people with high blood pressure and epilepsy should avoid it. Excessive use of the oil may cause headaches.

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Therapeutic properties: The therapeutic properties of Eucalyptus oil include: analgesic, anti-rheumatic, anti-neuralgic, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, balsamic, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, insecticide, rubefacient and stimulant.

Uses: Eucalyptus has a cooling and deodorizing effect on the body, helping with fevers, migraine and malaria. For the respiratory tract, it helps with coughs, asthma, throat infections, sinusitis and catarrhal conditions. It soothes inflammation and eases mucus, clearing the head from the stuffiness of colds and hay fever.

Eucalyptus oil is useful as warming oil when used for muscular aches and pains, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains and poor circulation. In skin care it can be used for burns, blisters, herpes, cuts, wounds, skin infections and insect bites.

Eucalyptus oil can boost the immune system, and is helpful especially in cases of chicken pox, colds, flu and measles.

Summary: Eucalyptus oil is very helpful when used for headaches, fevers, on the respiratory tract, muscular aches and pains and in skin care. It has a soothing and calming effect on the whole body and helps with the immune system. The oil is also effective against bacteria - especially staphylococci.

Burners and vaporizers: In vapor therapy Eucalyptus oil be used for: frequent sneezing, hay fever, flu, respiratory problems and as insect repellant.

Blended massage or in the bath: Eucalyptus oil can be used in blended massage oil, or diluted in the bath to assist with: arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, mucous congestion, colds, headaches, rheumatism, sinusitis, catarrh, fatigue and muscular aches and pains.

Used neat or dab on with a bud: Eucalyptus oil can be used neat on the skin for insect bites or wounds, but care should be taken when doing so.

Gargle: Diluted Eucalyptus can be used as a gargle for a sore throat

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Damask Rose oil is extracted from Rosa damascena from the Rosaceae family and is also known as Bulgarian and Turkish rose, Otto of rose and attar of rose.

Oil properties:
Damask Rose has a deep, rosy, fresh aroma, the color ranges from clear to a pale yellow or greenish tint and the viscosity is watery to crystalline, when warm or cold respectively.

Origin of rose oil:
'Rosa' comes from the Greek 'roden' meaning 'red', as the ancient rose was thought to have been crimson.Anicenna, the 10th century Persian physician, used the rose as his first plant to distill and a rose distillery existed in 1612 in Shiraz, Persia.

Rose petals were scattered at weddings to ensure a happy marriage and are still a symbol of love and purity and is also used to aid meditation and prayer. It takes about 60,000 roses (about 180 lb) to make one ounce of rose oil.

Extraction: Rose otto oil is extracted from the fresh flowers, picked before 8 am in the morning, by steam distillation and the yield is 0.02-0.05%. The aroma can be damaged if the heat is too high at distillation.

Chemical composition:
The main chemical components of Rose otto oil are: Citronellol, Geraniol, Nerol, Farnesol, Geranic and Eugenol.

Damask rose oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing but should not be used during pregnancy.

Therapeutic properties:
The therapeutic properties of Damask rose oil are: anti-infectious, anti-depressant, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, diuretic, emmenagogue, hepatic, laxative, sedative, splenetic and general tonic.

Damask rose oil soothes the mind and helps with depression, grief, nervous tension and stress and is helpful for poor circulation and heart palpitations.

For the respiratory system Damask rose oil can assist in cases of asthma, coughs and hay fever, and on the digestive system for liver congestion and nausea.

Rose otto oil can be used for irregular menstruation, leucorrhea, menorrhagia and uterine disorders. On the skin it can be used for broken capillaries, dry skin, eczema, herpes, mature and sensitive skin, wrinkles, and rose water can be used for conjunctivitis.

Damask rose oil gives a feeling of wellbeing and happiness, it helps a nervous mind, can be helpful on the respiratory tract, for digestive problems, for menstrual problems and as skin care.

Burners and vaporizers:
In vapor therapy Rose otto oil can be helpful with: allergies, asthma, baby blues, headaches, migraine, nervous tension and as a relaxant.

Blended oil or in the bath:
As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath Rose damask oil can assist with: allergies, baby blues, asthma, hay fever, headaches, depression, migraine, scar tissue, nervous tension, stress, poor circulation and as a relaxant.

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Taking a bath can be all things to all people. Depending on your choice of herbs, a bath or shower can help you face the rigors of the day or relax afterwards. Not only that, a bath can help soften the skin and replenish the body's natural oils.

Frothy Bath Oil

2 eggs1 cup olive oil
1/2 cup corn oil
1/2 cup almond oil
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp clear honey
1 cup milk
1/2 cup vodka
1 Tbsp mild soap flakes
3 drops essential oil of your choice

Beat together the eggs, vegetable oils, and honey. Add the milk, vodka, soap flakes, and essential oil, still beating. Pour into bottles, cover, label and store in the refrigerator.

Add about one tablespoon under the faucet when running the water for a warm bath.
Makes about 4 1/2 cups

Floral Bath Gel
3 Tbsp fresh or dried flowers, picked from the stalks
1/2 cup spring water
12 Tbsp grated castile soap
3-4 drops essential oil of choice

Pound the flowers with a mortar and pestle until they form a paste or powder. Put the water into a small pan and bring to a boil. Beat in the grated soap until it has dissolved, then remove pan from heat. Stir in the flowers and essential oil.

Leave to cool, then pour into bottles, cover, label and store in the refrigerator. Use as a soft soap.Makes about 1 cup

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Skin Care

Making your own skin preparations is itself a pleasurable pastime. Just to stir a handful of pot marigold petals into a bowl of steaming water is both invigorating and calming, an indirect form of Aromatherapy. The following recipes offers therapeutic and cosmetic blends to help you care for your skin or just to allow a little self indulgence.

Lavender-flower Lotion

Splash on this gentle toning lotion to tighten and refresh the skin
5 Tbsp Lavender water
5 Tbsp Witch Hazel
5 Tbsp Lemon Juice, strained
2-3 drops lavender essential oil

Pour all the ingredients into a bottle, close it with a cap or cork, and shake it vigorously. Shake well before each use. Makes about 3/4 cup

Purifying Masks

this is a purifying, toning, soothing, and rejuvenating mask. The basic ingredients are: Green Clay - 2 ounces; Corn flour - 3 teaspoons.
Mix together and keep in a jar, ready for combining in one of the formulas below.

Blend the ingredients together to form a smooth paste. Apply in a thin layer to face, avoiding eye area. Leave on the skin for fifteen minutes. Rinse off and apply a moisturizer or facial oil. Dab the face with a tissue.

Normal Skin
1 Tbsp Basic Mask Mix
1 Egg Yolk
1 tsp water
{combine and use 1 drop of:
2 drops Geranium essential oil and
1 drop Bois de rose}

Dry Skin
1 Tbsp Basic Mask Mix
1 Egg Yolk
1 tsp Almond or Evening Primrose Oil
2 drops Carrot Oil
2 tsp water
{Combine and use 1 drop of:
1 drop Chamomile essential oil and
1 drop Rose essential oil}

Oily Skin
1 Tbsp Basic Mask Mix
1 Tbsp Brewer's Yeast
1 Tbsp Water
{Combine and use 1 drop of:
1 drop of Rosemary essential oil and
1 drop of Lavender essential oil}

Revitalizing Mask for Dehydrated Skin
1 Tbsp Basic Mask Mix
1 Egg Yolk
1 tsp Brewer's Yeast
1 tsp Jojoba Oil
1 Tbsp Water
{Combine and use one drop of:
1 drop Chamomile essential oil and
2 drops Carrot Oil}

1 tbsp Basic Mask Mix
1 tsp Water
{Combine and use 1 drop of:
1 drop of Chamomile essential oil
1 drop of Lavender essential oil
1 drop Juniper essential oil and
1 drop Patchouli essential oil}

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Bergamot essential oil is extracted from the tree Citrus bergamia (Citrus aurantium subsp. bergamia) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as Bergamot orange.

Oil properties: The scent of the oil is basically citrus, yet fruity and sweet with a warm spicy floral quality, and is reminiscent of Neroli and Lavender oil. The color ranges from green to greenish-yellow and has a watery viscosity.

Origin of bergamot oil: This tree is native to South East Asia but was introduced to Europe, and particularly Italy, but is also found in the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.

Bergamot oil is made from a tree that can grow up to four meters high, with star-shaped flowers, and smooth leaves, bearing citrus fruit resembling a cross between an orange and a grapefruit but in a pear-shape. The fruit ripens from green to yellow.

The oil is one of the most widely used in the perfumery and toiletry industry and forms, together with Neroli and Lavender, the main ingredient for the classical 4711 Eau-de-cologne fragrance and is used to flavor Earl Grey tea. The name Bergamot is derived from the city Bergamo in Lombardy where the oil was first sold.

Extraction: The rind of both ripe and unripe fruit is used to extract the oil by expression, which yields about 0.5%.

Chemical composition: The essential oil is composed of various chemical constituents and
includes the following: Limonene, Linalyl Acetate, Linalol, Gamma Terpenene, Bergaptene and Dipentene.

Precautions: Bergamot oil can cause severe burns when used on a sensitive skin exposed to sunlight, since the high content of bergaptene can cause photo-toxicity and it is advisable to keep out of the sun if used on the skin.

Even when the ingredient Bergaptene (Furocoumarin) is removed from the oil and photo toxicity is therefore minimized, it is still advisable to keep treated skin out of the sun.

Therapeutic properties: The therapeutic properties of Bergamot oil include: antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic, stomachic, calmative, and a febrifuge.

Uses: Bergamot oil can be used in the treatment of depression, stress, tension, fear, hysteria, infection (all types including skin), anorexia, psoriasis, eczema and general convalescence.

Summary: When you are looking for an oil to help with depression, SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) or generally feeling just a bit off, lacking in self-confidence or feel shy, then consider Bergamot. It also has antiseptic qualities that are useful for skin complaints such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Burners and vaporizers: In vapor therapy Bergamot oil can be used for depression, feeling fed-up, colds and flu, PMS and SAD.

Blended oil or in the bath: Bergamot oil can be used in blended massage oil, or diluted in a bath to assist with stress, tension, SAD, PMS, skin problems, compulsive eating, postnatal depression, colds and flu, anxiety, depression, feeling fed-up and anorexia nervosa.

Bendable in base cream: It is used as a constituent in blended base cream, Bergamot oil. It can also be used for wounds and cuts, psoriasis, oily skin, scabies, eczema, acne and cold sores.

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West Indian Bay essential oil is extracted from the Pimenta racemosa (P. Acris, Myrcia Acris) tree, from the Myrtaceae family and is also known as bay rum, wild cinnamon and bay berry

Oil properties: The scent of Bay oil is sweet, fresh and spicy. The oil is deep yellow in color and is of medium to watery viscosity.

Origin of bay oil: This sturdy evergreen tree is a native of West Indies, Venezuela and the Guianas. Nowadays the oil is obtained mostly from Morocco and Spain. The Bay tree grows to about 10 meters (30 feet), has long aromatic lance-shaped leaves and small white-yellow flowers and black berries.

Bay oil was very popular with the Romans, who thought the Bay a symbol of wisdom, peace and protection. The Latin 'Laudis' means 'to praise", which is why the victors at the Olympic games were presented with a Laurel (Bay) Wreath.

In the past Bay leaves were distilled with rum. The Bay rum so obtained was a famous hair tonic and body rub for colds and muscle pains.

Extraction: The leaves collected from a tree at least 5 years old, are subjected to steam distillation (salt is often added or seawater used in the still) and it yields about 0.5-1.5%.
Chemical composition: The chemical composition of Bay Oil includes Eugenol, Chavicol, Myrcene, Cineol, and Methyl Eugenol.

Precautions: Bay oil has high eugenol content and may irritate the skin and mucus membranes, so use with caution.

Therapeutic properties: The therapeutic properties of Bay oil include the following: antiseptic, antibiotic, analgesic, anti-neuralgic, aperitif, astringent, emmenagogue, febrifuge, insecticide, sedative and a tonic.

Uses: Bay oil can be used in the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular pain, circulation problems, colds, flu, dental infection, and diarrhea and skin infections.

Summary: The benefit of Bay oil lies in its calming and warming effect on emotions and general aches and pains, including rheumatic pains. It also settles the digestive system and acts as a tonic on the liver and kidneys. Bay essential oil is also helpful with hair and scalp conditions.

Burners and vaporizers: In vapor therapy Bay oil can be used for an infection, for fever and general aches and pains.

Blended in the bath: As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath, Bay oil can assist with calming emotions and relieving aches and pains, especially when combined with Rose and Juniper.

Bay oil blends well with Bay oil blends well with other oils including: Cedar wood, Coriander, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Ginger, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Rose, Rosemary, Thyme and Ylang Ylang.

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Increasing numbers of people are attempting to return to a lifestyle that is purely holistic and complete, recognizing the importance of combining the mind, body, and spirit in equal measures to achieve optimum health and well-being. Reputed to be very old, and literally used in almost all civilizations of the world, aromatherapy is one form of holistic healing that is easy to and flexible to be practiced in our daily lives.

Aromatherapy contains organic, natural, unadulterated aromatic extracts, called aromatic essential oils, which come from plant origins. These natural substances display a broad range of therapeutic effects and actions on the body. Many of these essential oils play an important role in our daily lives, each and every moment, and in all occasions.

At least one daily consumable that is used by us contains one of these essentials, like many tooth pastes and mouth washes. There are even eatables like some baked goods that are made with essential oils. Aromatherapy, however, refers strictly to the use of essential oils and hydrosols for health purposes and body healing.

Aromatherapy is the art of using the fragrant essential oils derived from plants to treat ailments of the mind and body. The magnificent scent of these oils evokes a variety of different responses by stimulating the olfactory and other sensory organs, which are linked to the areas of the brain which control emotions. It means that these essential oils have a direct bearing on the human constitution, body and mind. A chain of chemical reactions, initiated by this invisible stimulation then takes place, effecting a physical or emotional change in the body.

Aromatherapy is an innovative way to improve the quality of life that incorporates all principles of body and mind. Aromatherapy has already become a part of our lives, although many of us have not associated the name with the actual experience. Each human being has an emotional response, both pleasant and unpleasant, some happy and others sad, to certain scents.

So the idea behind aromatherapy is, initially, to find those scents and oils, unique but different for each individual, those evoke positive sensory feelings and emotions. The next step is to introduce those essentials into our daily life to enhance well-being. Natural scents and oils keep us connected to the earth, sparking memories and emotions. They also bring back forgotten memories, emotions and lost luster in our lives.

Pure essential oils are extracted from many parts of the plant (flower, leaf, resin, bark, root, twig, seed, berry, rind and rhizome) and the extracted oils are used to relax, replenish, balance and rejuvenate body, mind and spirit. Aromatherapy is both an art and a science that involves the basic constitution of our body. All these objectives are skillfully achieved by blending required parts of different oils and then creating a balmy complex that is used to create a heavenly experience.

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How ever, the results of aromatherapy are very individual specific and vary from person to person. While experts display general agreement about the actions of certain oils, aromatherapy texts vary differently in their descriptions of the properties and characteristics of an essential oil.

The basic fact is that no two persons in this world are influenced by the same aromatic oil in exactly the same way and manner. What is more, even the same person can be significantly affected differently by the same oil depending on surroundings, time or mood.

If you need to experience the real magic of these essential oils, you will have to use one of those applications in any part of daily life. Reactions to fragrances are highly individual and specific. Here is small guideline to help you try evaluating some aromas of essential oils:

As you inhale deeply an essential oil for the first time, try and describe the aroma:
* Is it sharp and stinging?
* Is it subtle and smooth
* Is it balanced and tuned?
* Is it light or heavy?
* Is it warming or cooling?
* Is it sweet, spicy, woody, floral, fruity, etc.?

These are some of the basic sensory feeling you can experience on inhaling aromatic oils. Now try and describe how you perceive the aroma:
* Do you like or dislike it?
* Do you associate the aroma with any of your previous personal experiences?
* What emotions do you have that are connected to these experiences? Is it possible to remember them?
* Does the aroma produce those emotions now? Is it repetitive?
* Does the aroma affect your awareness: does it rejuvenate, energize or relax?

Aromatherapy is a science that can not be comprehended so easily; the whole human race has tried to understand its undying mystery since time immemorial. How ever, its magical properties have always mesmerized us with a sense of awe and suspense.

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All of us will like to see ourselves well groomed and fit enough to look great and flaunt those athletic physiques among friends and relatives. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for the most obvious reasons; we simply can not maintain our body weight. For some people the dilemma of being overweight starts first in the mind: It is all psychological and once the mind is healthy, the slimmer body will automatically follow. Mentally, aromatherapy can help you to fight stress and lift your mood.

The connection between smell and emotion are thought to be extremely close. Taking a deep breath of pleasant smells triggers positive reactions in the brain, resulting in a sense of wellbeing and goodness. We are all very unique. If oil works well for one person it doesn’t necessarily mean it will work the same for the next person. The way the oils are used could also make a difference; one person might benefit more by using the oils in the bath, rather than inhalation, massage or burning the oils.

The same theory holds good in case of human weight; more you feel good and hale, the more will be the care towards your physical well being. A regular aromatherapy session may help you achieve weight loss campaign, by increasing your sense of well-being and relaxation.
However, aromatherapy cannot produce desired weight loss without you creating your own calorie deficit regime, either by eating a calorie-reduced weight loss diet, or by increasing calories burned through rigorous exercise, or more ideally by a combination of diet and exercise. Aromatherapy has proven to be very useful for this weight loss. This natural way of treating has no side effect at all as compared to other treatments.

Certain essential oils are very useful in weight loss trial, like Birch, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, and Fennel. Massage is probably the best method and oils must be used with base oils like sweet almond, which makes oil less strong and easy to use. Applying oil to those places were fatty tissues are more, will really help to reduce the fat level and make your physique well shaped.

Essential oils used here are not only sweet smelling but have also the capacity to make your digestive system good, that in turn also helps in weight reduction. How ever, one must see that the oils used should be in moderate amount and mixed with carrier oil before using. A calculated dosage, rigorous exercise-workout and a strict diet will go a long way in achieving a significant weight loss.

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The principle of aromatherapy, as chronicled over thousands of years, lists hundreds of practical uses, as additives for bath, massage, medicines and essential scents. How ever, another most important aspect of any aromatherapy compound is its quality to reduce emotional stress and strain.

Various forms of aromatherapy compounds have been concocted for use in alleviating pain and emotional stress. Although aromatherapy should not be considered a miracle cure for serious emotional issues, the use of essential oils may assist, sometimes greatly, with particular emotional issues.

Additionally, the proper use of essential oils and balms may enhance your emotional demeanor and provide support and help balance your erratic emotions during the day. The use of essential oils for emotional well-being (or stress) is what is often first visualized of when you think of the term "aromatherapy."

Essential oils are comprised of naturally occurring chemicals (derived as herbal factors), that work in synergy and harmony with one another. Because essential oils evaporate quickly due to its instability ("volatile"), their molecules are easily inhaled. The inhalation of these naturally occurring synergistic chemicals provides triggers to our brain, which effect our emotions.

Inhalation of these invisible molecules also provides physical benefit which may also work together to aid in our emotional state. It seems that the whole mechanism as an act of mystery and surrealism; its mysterious action still defies our wisdom.

Many oils are soothing for human nerves and one good example is Orange. The smell of orange helps provide emotional balance and bring on a positive self esteem. Sweet orange oil is a wonderful oil to use alone or in a blend for those bouts of winter blues that often occur in the colder, eerie times of the year.

The aroma and the scent of sweet orange oil also blend nicely with many oils and have the added advantage of being one of the cheaper essential oils. It is also generally regarded to be one of the safer essential oils to use.

There is word of caution too! Not all oils provide the same level of benefit for all persons. It means the beneficial effects may not be of the same degree to a particular person. Past memories associated with particular aromas can have a positive or negative effect.

This is true for many people. Rose essential oil, for instance, is known for aiding during times of grief and sorry. It implies your past experiences with the aroma of rose oil, however, may impact its effectiveness for use during times of present grief. Do not force yourself to use oil that elicits negative feelings or that you don't like the aroma of particular oil.

It is important, therefore, that you treat any list of essential oils used for emotional well-being as a basic starting point. Within the realms of safety and experiment, utilize those oils that bring about the purpose that you seek. Aromatic oils can bring solace to your stressful life; using it with a bit of caution and intelligence can help you come out of those bitter moments.

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Every one wants to look best and well groomed; a good skin is that ultimate wish for many millions of people all over the world. If you are looking after your skin, natural skin care products are the preferred option.

There are many advantages to using natural skin care products, because synthetic chemicals which are added to top brand skin care products is not what you want to absorb through your skin. You will be looking for all those things herbal to tone up your skin just because you do not want all those harmful chemical substances to harm and spoil your skin. Ultimately, you will decide to use one of those exotic aromatherapy recipes for maintaining your skin.

Though, inhaling the fragrant aromas of essential oils is just one way to enjoy aromatherapy, another innovative application is applying essential oils to the skin in the form of properly formulated preparations, massage oils, mineral baths and sprays. The molecular structure of essential oils makes them readily absorbed in the protective oily layer of the skin, where they are quickly absorbed.

Aromatherapy skincare is a safe, effective way for the body to acquire the beneficial properties of essential oils.

Acne Medication:
8 drop tea tree + 6 drops bergamot + 4 drops lavender: 0.75 oz of jojoba oil.
Apply to face every evening, massaging around the pimple. Mix recipe with cream for daytime use (never go into sun while using). Add a few drops of carrot oil to the mixture.

Dry Skin Wash:
10 drops sandalwood oil + 10 drops bois de rose oil +10 drops lavender oil: 2 tablespoons of avocado.

Hair Treatment: 2 drops rosemary oil + 1 drop lavender oil + 1 drop bay oil: 20 ml olive oil. Use as scalp massage or apply to hair

Problem Skin Wash: 10 drop myrrh oil + 10 drops Palma Rosa oil +10 d frankincense oil: 1 tablespoon of Borage and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed.

Reviving Face Mask: 2 drops petit grain oil + 2 drops lemon oil + 2 drops ylang ylang oil: 20 ml of iced water. Mix with enough crushed almonds to make a paste. Apply as a face mask. Let dry, then rinse off.

Sun care Blend: 14 drops lavender oil +1 drops peppermint oil: 4-8 oz. of cold water. Use in an atomizer on sunny days, spiriting yourself as needed.

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Dry Skin: Your skin produces a protective emollient substance known as sebum. People whose skin doesn’t produce enough sebum often sport dry, itchy and flaking skin. How ever, certain essential oils can help you. The tenacious, low volatility oils like patchouli and sandalwood, as well as heavily scented oils like rose and ylang ylang are especially well suited for dry skin preparations.

Moisturizing Cream:
4 fl. oz. almond oil
3 fl. oz. rosewater
1/2 oz. beeswax
10 drops rose
5 drops lavender
4 drops bergamot
8 drops patchouli
8 drops sandalwood

Melt the wax and the almond oil in a double boiler. Reduce the heat and add the rosewater gradually in a thin stream, while vigorously agitating the mixture. As soon as the water is incorporated take off heat. When the mixture cools and turns creamy, add the essential oils.

Oily Skin: Conversely, overactive sebaceous glands result in oily skin. People with oily skin need a regular cleansing exercise to take off excess oil and prevent clogged pores. This recipe for a facial mask uses the natural capacity of essential oils to help dissolve excess oil.

Oily Skin Facial Mask:
Mix 3 tablespoons of white corn meal and almond meal (freshly ground raw almonds are better), add the following essential oils:
10 drops lavender
5 drops bergamot
3 drops of clary sage

Add enough rosewater or orange flower water to make a wet paste. Using circular motions gently massage the mixture onto your face, avoiding the soft tissues under the eyes. Leave the mixture on for 15 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. Finish the treatment by splashing cold water on your face to close your pores.

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Normal Skin: Normal, healthy skin can benefit from a toning/balancing facial mist.

Toning Facial Mist:
Add the following essential oils to 2 fluid ounces of distilled water:
6 drops lavender

1 drop clary sage
1 drop chamomile
4 drops lemon

Pour into a spray bottle. Essential oils and water will separate, so shake the bottle vigorously before spraying this refreshing blend onto clean skin.

Sunburn: Your sunburned skin will benefit from a soothing, fragrant mist of distilled water and lavender oil. Adding a few drops of peppermint and spearmint oil contributes a cooling effect.

Sunburn Mist:
Add the following oils to 2 fluid ounces of distilled water.
9 drops of lavender

2 drops of peppermint
1 drop of spearmint Mist lightly over sunburned skin.

Aromatherapy skincare is a wonderful way to experience the immense benefits of essential oils; it works its way deeply into the skin, affecting the entire constitution. The aromas associated with this action work their fragrant magic on the whole human body.

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Aromatic scents are known to have exerted an enduring influence on the psyche of all deep rooted ancient civilizations of the world. Its story is never complete and never ending; at least, one of the great royalties in any given time is known to be associated with mesmerizing effects of these scents.

Since ancient times, common man has also used scent to entice and excite. And modern perfume manufacturers – with heaps of scientific evidence are developing great perfumery blends with just such a purpose in mind. The impact of aromapathy scents is eternal and will linger on as long as our civilization.

So, what is the magic of these exotic scents? Why are some scents more conducive to romance than say, business pursuits? Why are some scents are more soothing and relaxing than others? Though, these factors can not be explained very easily, their effect on our life is definite.

When you inhale an aroma, it sends a myriad of messages through the olfactory nerve endings to the limbic system of the brain. This system, also known as the "old brain" manages instinctive responses like emotional, sexual and aggressive behaviors. And some scents - like jasmine, vanilla and ylang ylang – will stimulate the release of neurochemicals which trigger sexual response.

Plus, our personal preference of seductive scents is influenced by pheromones, barely visible human scent molecules that travel through perspiration. Pheromones are known to be very mysterious in exerting their influence on human beings.

How ever, each pheromone is entirely different. Because of the highly acidic nature of a man's sweat, male pheromones have a more musky quality than female ones. Musk and sandalwood scents, in fact, are known to be romantically enticing to women because they closely resemble the chemical make-up of male pheromones.

Exotic and romantic perfume blends are often created with the essential oils of patchouli, sandalwood, jasmine and ylang ylang. Of course, perfume enthusiasts have other aims in mind too.
The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans of yesteryears created special blends for seduction, but also for worshipping deities, enjoying holidays, and encouraging readiness before battle and inspiring deep contemplation and rejuvenation. Today all of us are still completely enveloped with aroma. And with various essential oils, we can also blend our own scents for various purposes.

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A successful perfume is considered as an "aromatic symphony" - a perfect and harmonious blend of top, middle and base notes. Top notes are sharp, fleeting and alluring scents, those first noticed in a fragrance and the first to fade. Middle notes summarize the fragrance midway through the drying process, which can be considered the soul, or the melody of the blend. And base notes are deep, rich, stable, grounding scents that stabilize the fragrance and prolong its power, because their slow evaporation rate.

When trying blending a perfume, begin by swirling quickly the essential oils and absolutes together in a tight mix. Then mix them to your pick of vegetable-based oil. Jojoba works very well as a base because it's waxy nature, so it doesn’t become rancid and will increase the life of the perfume. Avoid synthetic oils while blending your concoction as they will mask the original flavor of your blend.

If you want to fragrance hair, clothes and sheets blend essential oils and absolutes in an atomizer and mix pure grain alcohol or 100 proof vodka. You can also create a refreshing, spicy-scented base by adding one stick of cinnamon, one vanilla bean or two tablespoons of spices (cloves, allspice or ginger) to a pint of alcohol.

Vanilla is known to induce sexual desire while cinnamon is attributed to arouse female passions. Alcohol-based oils improve as they mature with aging, so prepare them ahead and let the mixtures meld in a dark place for a few weeks before using. The most enduring aspects of these blends are the everlasting quality after a sustained aging process. As they mature, the blends unfold the aromatic magic, the air filling with exotic fumes of heavenly scent.

Aromatherapy scents is a source of pure joy; its effects surreal and its influence ever lasting. As some one rightly said “As Rosemary is to the spirit, so Lavender is to the soul." How true it is!

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Essential oils are also known to induce and rouse passionate moments among couples. Scents can seduce you and your spouse as the chemicals present in the essential oils send messages to your brain. Research has shown the pheromone properties of essential oil and more industries are incorporating these oils as an essential component in their perfume formulations.

You can also use your favorite oil in your daily life; how ever, essential oils are very concentrated and direct application is not recommended, as it causes burns or damage to your nose. You can perfume your underwear or clothing by letting the scent molecules adhere to your clothing.

For those romantic moments, you can use orange, jasmine or black pepper. Need more passion? Then try using clary sage, rose or cedar wood. Take 3 small cotton balls and apply a drop of essential oil on each. Keep these in your underwear drawer or your clothes wardrobe. Allow about 2 hours for the scent to diffuse into your clothes. Feel the excitement!

For scenting other items like pillows and bed spreads, repeat the same procedure. Avoid applying essential oils directly onto cloth as it will stain your cloth. Use 2 drops each of clary sage, neroli and chamomile.

After a hard day, sooth your partner’s nerves by using a head massage with essential oils. This action will ultimately help him / her relaxes and is in a conducive mood for romance. Mix 2 drops of lavender, rose and geranium into a teaspoon of almond and jojoba oils each. Rub this oil on your hands and then massage your partner's forehead gently. Rub outwards towards the ears. Next, proceed to using circular motions to massage the forehead.

Touch can also invoke your romantic mood. Massaging your partner’s neck will help achieve this mood. You'll need 2 drops of black pepper, ginger and ylang ylang, each into 2 teaspoons of sunflower and grape seed oil. Use this oil mix to massage your partner's neck form top to bottom. Squeeze the muscles at the base of the neck. Repeat this procedure 10 times.

The same formula can be used for a back massage. Start by placing some oil between the shoulder blades of your partner. Massage from the center outwards, using both hands. You can gently squeeze the muscles and rub the oil. Work downwards until you reach the pelvic area.

There are a variety of aromatic oils to use to induce romantic moments. The rose oil is an all time favorite for romance and love. You can try different combinations of essential oils that promote romance. Once you get a real feeling for particular oil, you can decide to stick with it. Go ahead and indulge yourself and be a part of those fleeting romantic moments.

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Organic aromatherapy recipes have been used for centuries and its usage is very diverse and spread all over the world. Hundreds of recipes have been found and perfected over thousands of years. Aromatherapy makes use of essential oils to combat everyday maladies in our lives such as stress, depression, indigestion, menopause, nausea, immune deficiencies, fatigue and numerous others. The following aromatherapy recipes are for your aromatic information.

First things first! Always remember that essential oils are very potent and volatile liquids that can be very harmful if used carelessly. CAUTION: Never apply undiluted oil on the skin without use of carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, hazelnut oil, sunflower oil or grape seed oil.

Massage is perhaps the most popular way to use essential oils. It combines the healing art of aromatherapy with the healing art of touch. Self-massage is just as effective as being massaged by another person and lack of a partner is no excuse for not trying these relaxing recipes. As a general rule, always use ten drops of total essential oils per mixture, and keep it around five for maximum effectiveness.

You can always concoct your own innovative recipe using many essential oils that available in the market. You don't really need a branded expensive aromatherapy product or go to an expensive aromatherapy spa and some wholesale aromatherapy vendors can be too expensive.

Here are a few quick, instant and easy natural aromatherapy recipes that can be formulated at your home:

  • Beat the depression with 3 revitalizing drops of orange essential oil and 2 drops of zesty ginger.
  • Drive out insomnia with easeful drops of Roman chamomile, clary sage and bergamot oils.
  • Reduce menstrual cramps with pacifying drops of peppermint, cypress and lavender oils.
  • Soothe stress with calming drops of Roman chamomile, lavender and vetiver oils.
  • Enhance memory with stimulating drops of peppermint and lemon oils.
  • Boost your immune system with protecting drops of eucalyptus, pine and peppermint oils.
  • Fight acne with toning lavender and antiseptic tea tree oil.
  • Ease a grieving heart with oils of warm rose and sandalwood.
  • Disinfect the kitchen sink with the citrus smell of lemon, lime and grapefruit oils.

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Apart from these most common recipes, you can also prepare hundreds of them by using correct amounts of essential oils.

All-Purpose Face and Neck Massage: 3 drops violet oil + 2 drops rose oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil. Add vitamin E for extra richness.

Anti-Tension Massage: 2 drops petit grain oil + 2 drops lavender oil + 2 drops sandalwood oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Apply on the neck, shoulders, and temples.

Backache Massage: 2 drop eucalyptus oil + 2 drops lavender oil + 1 drop lemon oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Focus on areas of tension with fingertips.

Bedtime Massage: 3 drop sandalwood oil + 2 drops chamomile oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil.

Calming Back Massage: 4 drop ylang ylang oil + 3 drops jasmine oil + 2 drops geranium oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil.

Circulation Improvement Massage: 6 drop lavender oil + 4 drops rosemary oil + 2 drops vetiver oil: in 4 oz. of sesame oil.

Face and Neck Massage: 2 drop galbanum oil + 3 drops neroli oil: 20 ml carrier oil.

Hand Massage: 5 drops lime oil + 5 drops thyme oil + 5 drops eucalyptus oil + 5 drops cajuput oil: in 4 tablespoons carrier oil.

Leg Massage: 2 drops cypress oil + 2 drop lime oil + 1 drop lemon oil: 20 ml carrier oil. Massage on calves, using gentle pressure on varicose veins.

Mature Skin Massage: 2 drop myrrh oil + 2 drops lavender oil + 2 drops neroli oil: 20 ml wheat germ oil.

Pain-Relieving Massage: 3 drop pine oil + 3 drop eucalyptus oil + 3 drops frankincense oil: 20 ml carrier oil. Apply on sore joints.

Relaxing Full-Body Massage: 3 drop neroli oil + 2 d jasmine oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil.

Relaxing Massage: 2 drops geranium oil + 2 drops rose oil + 2 drops lavender oil: 20 ml carrier oil. Face and scalp massage.

Sensual Body Massage: 2 drops patchouli oil + 3 drops geranium oil + 3 drops rose oil: 20 ml carrier oil.

Stimulating Body Rub: 1 drops peppermint oil + 1 drops myrrh oil + 2 drops lavender oil: 20 ml carrier oil. This is an excellent winter rub.

Summer Stimulating Massage: 2 drop lemongrass oil + 3 drops orange oil + 1 drop rosemary oil: 20 ml carrier oil. Good for back and shoulder massages.

Uplifting Massage: 2 drop bergamot oil + 2 drops orange oil +2 drops petit grain oil: 20 ml carrier oil. Good early-morning body rubs.

Varicose Vein Massage: 2 drops lime oil + 2 drops cedar wood oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Rub lightly, using only fingertips.

Wrinkled or Puffy Face Massage: 2 drops rose oil + 1 drops violet oil + 1 drops geranium oil: 20 ml carrier oil. Rub lightly on face, using only fingertips.

Oils which are not preferable for home use include: cinnamon, clove, hyssop, and sage.

Oils which should not be used during pregnancy include: basil, clove, cinnamon, fennel, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, peppermint, rosemary, sage, and white thyme.

Oils which are not recommended for steam facials include: bay, clary sage, ginger, juniper, pine, and tea tree.

Oils which are photosynthesizing include, but are not restricted to: lemon, bergamot, lime, and orange. Do not go out into the sun for at least two hours after applying these oils to your skin.

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Lavender Lotion
This e lotion eases the pain associated with sunburn and helps to promote healing.

1/4 Cup Shea Butter
1/2 Cup Aloe Vera Gel
1 Tablespoon Vitamin E Oil
1/2 Tablespoon Lavender 40-42 Essential Oil

Melt shea butter over low heat on the stove. Once melted, remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients. Mix well. Allow to cool slightly. Once the mixture begins to set up, and then stir with a hand blender to help avoid any separation. Once whipped with the blender, it should look like whipped icing. Pour into a wide mouthed 8oz. plastic container, allow cooling and replacing lid.

Basic Body Lotion

1 1/2 cups Distilled Water
2 oz. Sweet Almond Oil
1/2 oz. Liquid Vegetable Glycerin
2 Tablespoons Emulsifying Wax
2 Tablespoons Stearic Acid1
1/2 teaspoons Germaben II
1/2 teaspoon Fragrance Oil of Choice

Over low heat, combine distilled water Sweet Almond Oil, Liquid Vegetable Glycerin, Emulsifying Wax, and Stearic Acid. Heat this just until emulsifying wax has melted. Stir mixture well, and remove from heat. Allow to cool for a few minutes. Then, with a hand held beater mix the lotion mixture. Continue to mix until it begins to thicken, and then add the Germaben II and fragrance oil. Stir well, and then pour the lotion into bottles. Allow to cool completely before closing containers.

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Smoothing Skin Lotion

1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice

Mix 1 teaspoon honey with 1 teaspoon vegetable oil and 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice. Rub into hands, elbows, heels and anywhere that feels dry. Leave on 10 minutes. Rinse off with water.

Lavender Lotion Bar

100g coconut oil
100g sweet almond oil
100g beeswax
5ml (1tsp) lavender essential oil

Gently melt the coconut oil and beeswax together over a low heat. As soon as they have melted, stir in the sweet almond oil and mix thoroughly. Remove from heat and leave to cool slightly. Stir in the lavender essential oil once cooled and mix well. Pour into molds of your choice and allow solidifying at room temperature for several hours.

Lavender Flower Lotion

5 Tbsp Lavender water
5 Tbsp Witch Hazel
5 Tbsp Lemon Juice, strained
2-3 drops lavender essential oil

Pour all the ingredients into a bottle, close it with a cap or cork, and shake it vigorously. Shake well before each use. Makes about 3/4 cup.

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The roots and fundamentals of Aromatherapy can be traced back to nearly 3000 years before Christ, when the ancient Egyptians used the basics of Aromatherapy in their daily lives. Historical records show that Egyptians burned incense made from aromatic woods and other herbs to honor their gods.

Also royal harems and guest houses used many aromatic oils very profusely to satisfy many important guests. Aromatherapy has its roots in the most ancient healing and therapeutic practices. Medicinal plants are used to cure many ailments and used in many sacred rituals to evoke different states of consciousness.

Elaborate religious ceremonies were performed in Egyptian temples, where the dead King was mummified and surrounded with exotic essential oils. Egyptians believed very firmly that essential oils have an unusual preserving property when added with other spices.

Embalming was one of the principal uses of aromatherapy, preserving the tissue of the bodies for thousands of years. The oils and resins used were so potent, that in the 17th century mummies were sold in Europe and doctors distilled them for use in their medicines.

Aromatherapy truly emerged from the smoky temples of Egypt 6,000 years ago. Egypt was the birthplace of medicine, pharmaceutics, cosmetics and perfumery. Trading was flourishing and traders arrived for trade from all over the world by land and sea to deliver flowers, herbs and plants.

Priestesses and priests strictly supervised the delicate preparations in the temples and palaces, reading formulas & chanting incantations and hymns, as substances were measured & combined with ultimate precision. Purification processes went on for months until the right, perfect subtle blend was achieved.

The use of aromatherapy spread from Egypt to Israel, China, India and the Mediterranean. Every culture, from the most backward to the most modern, developed own set of practices. Greek physicians and military surgeons were employed by the Romans every where in the empire. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the science spread to the Arab countries, where medicine men devoted them to the ancient art of alchemy, perfecting the art of distillation and extraction.

For many centuries essential oils were the only remedies for epidemic diseases and conditions. During the dreaded Black Plague, very few became ill, who in fact were associated with perfumeries and glove industries where these oils were in profuse use.

During the 19th century, with the development of modern science, all forms of herbal medicine disappeared until the 1920s, when French chemist Gatefosse revived the art, giving it the name Aromatherapy. India was one of the few countries where the tradition was never lost, Avurveda being the most ancient medical practice in the world today. Aromatherapy is now used in hospitals, offices, clinics and homes all over the world.

Aromatherapy acts as a bridge between the new and old; most of the industries use these oils for various blends and concoctions, which provide cure and relief for a number of complications.

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Aromatic herbs are some of the most unusual plants species in the plant kingdom; nothing can be as useful and beneficial as Aromatherapy herbs, their contribution to the civilization is a fact well recognized. Aromatic plants are those which contain certain natural compounds called “natural scents.”

Most of these critical extracts are obtained from different parts of a plant like leaves, stem, flowers, seeds and roots. Though they are hidden in these parts, they can be extracted by distillation or fractionation processes. The number of catalogued aromatic herbs exceeds 250, though many of them are not really productive. How ever, about 100 varieties are known to possess unique compounds that are used as aromatherapy essential oils.

Herbs have a variety of effects including antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, sedative or stimulant properties. By being aware of each plant's properties and used carefully the man can be relieved of various symptoms or illnesses. In general, all essential oils have the ability to strengthen the immune system, and are detoxifying in nature. Essential oils can be used as preventative treatment; most symptoms can be reduced with regular treatment.

Various herbs and plants that can be used are - Basil, Lavender, Garlic, Aloe Vera, Seaweed, Nettle, Rosemary, Tea tree, Dandelion and Liquorices. Basil has expectorant and antibiotic/antiseptic properties. Lavender is a relaxant. Garlic is antiseptic, antibiotic and expectorant. The expectorant properties make garlic excellent for the respiratory system. The juice from a bulb of garlic can be used on cuts and bruises.

Rosemary is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic plant, its uses are various. Tea Tree is an antiseptic and mild disinfectant which aids healing, strengthens the immune system. Dandelion is used to treat kidney or liver disorders, the root stimulates the liver and the leaves act as a diuretic. Liquorices can be used as an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, demulcent, antispasmodic and expectorant herb.

Aromatic herbs, due its therapeutic properties, are cherished by many professionals in the world. Hundreds of recipes are researched and chronicled every day, ach with different use and application. Carefully selected herbs are chosen to extract essential oils and refined for a long shelf life.

Many herbs can even be grown in containers at home or cottage gardens; the fresh aroma and the sweet essence of flowers and leaves are sources of joy and relaxation for any garden owner. Aromatherapy herbs are known to special plants for special purposes; its organic extracts are all pure and 100% safe for therapeutic uses. Aromatic oils are eternal and man’s quest for perfection to acquire a pure essential oil is never ending.

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Aromatherapy has been practiced for around for almost 3500 years and its application in daily lives is as old as our civilization itself. It is the exotic art, and science, of using oils extracted from aromatic plants and herbs to enhance health, emotional well being and beauty. Apart from the physical benefits, essential oils can have soothing effects on the mind and emotions.

The essential oils taken from plants and employed in Aromatherapy have been described as their "critical factors" - they are needed critically for the plants' biological process, as well as being the substance which gives them their scent and aroma. Synthetic oil, even if chemically similar, lacks all the natural factors, and that vital critical factor, that make essential oils so valuable.

Another reason why synthetic oils are not acceptable and desired is that the minor constituents are never identical in structure and composition. Essential oils are extracted from flowers; herbs; spices; woods and fibers, usually by distillation, expulsion and solvent extraction. Solvent extraction is only acceptable for aromatherapy, if the solvent used is completely removed after the manufacturing process and no traces are identifiable.

Here are some of the most common uses that are associated with essential oils:

For Massage:
This is the most effective method of using the oils, combining their properties with the therapeutic power of touch. The oils should never be used undiluted, but should be diluted with an odorless carrier oil, such as grape seed, sweet almond or peach kernel.

A dilution of 3% essential oil to carrier oil is a recommended level. This is approximately one drop essential oil to two milliliters of carrier oil. Essential oils are needed in very minute quantities. The skin is the largest surface part of the body and is designed to keep out contaminants from the skin layers.

For Bath:
Using oils in baths is a simple, effective and pleasant exercise to relax and receive the therapeutic and soothing effects. It is well known that water itself has therapeutic value, which further enhances the powers of the oils.

For daily bathing
, add 6 to 10 drops of essential oil or a blend to the surface of the water, and then bathe yourself for about 20 minutes, whilst you deeply inhale the vapor. Be a bit careful about the quantum oil you use while bathing your children.
For CompressingAdd 5 to 10 drops of essential oil to 100ml of warm water then soak a piece of clean cotton in the water, wring out the excess and place the cloth on the affected part.

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For Inhalation
Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oil into a bowl of steaming water then place a towel over your head and the bowl and inhale the vapor for a few minutes. Feel yourself rejuvenated and free of tension.

For Vaporization
All essential oils are known antiseptic and evaporate easily, thus make very good air-fresheners. Different oils usually create different atmospheres. For example, relaxing Sandalwood or Clary Sage are good for ravishing parties; or cool Peppermint clears your mind when you need to work. Diffusers can be used to make oils diffuse slowly in your working room or living quarters.

As Perfumes
It is very easy to make your own distinctive perfume by skillfully blending different oils. Try blending with different combinations, which can be mixed with a carrier oil or non-fragrant alcohol. Do your own experiment.

Storing Essential Oils
Because essential oils are affected by sunlight and higher temperatures, they should be stored in dark glass bottles, with tight stopper caps. Cap should be secured properly and the bottle stored in an upright position. Maintain a uniform temperature and moisture. Never allow these oils to come in contact with children. Never store essential oils in plastic bottles. Good Essential oils have a shelf life of several years if properly stored, though the oils derived from orange, lemon and lime will not keep as long. Patchouli is rare kind oil which actually gets better as it ages.

Mixing Essential Oils
Blending different oils in various proportions can yield you some fabulous products. You should have right knowledge and a will to experiment various combinations. It is strongly recommended that you use a good dropper so that you can measure the actual number of drops easily. Do not mix up oils as they are known to get unstable too quickly. Use a different dropper for different oil to avoid cross contamination.

Uses that are associated with aromatic essential oils are various; different oils have their own special applications and benefits. How ever, no single oil is exactly similar to another in its application, aroma, scent and appeal. It means any essential oil has its own charisma and special niche. Go ahead and enjoy the exotic presence of your own aromatic oil.

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One of the nature’s greatest gifts to mankind is the magical properties of Aromatherapy essential oils. Its existence is considered to be very ancient, with a history of 3500 years. Latest research has only recently shown what aroma therapists have known for many ages: “what we smell has a direct impact on how we feel.”

Like the other common senses, the things we smell are transmitted directly to the brain. Research has proved that lavender aroma steps up alpha waves in the back of the head, which is associated with relaxation.

That means using lavender helps you to relax. On the other hand, jasmine scent increases beta waves in the front of the head, which has been found to make you feel more alert. You will be on your toes, if you smell jasmine.

The use of essential oils includes inhaling their scent. Aromatherapy is an established system of caring for the body with herbal and botanical oils. Many times, it is the scent that gives the therapeutic value, and other times it works better by making the skin absorbing the oil.

Irrespective of how the oil is absorbed into the body, whether through the skin, the mouth, or the nose, essential oils have long been used to help in healing.

Enjoy the benefits of scent by dropping a few drops of essential oil in your bath, or placing some drops or so in a diffuser, which sits on a socket. When using oil on the surface, it is always a good idea to mix the essential oil with carrier oil such as almond, sesame, or olive.

This reduces the impact of the oil a bit, but can also prevent harmful adverse reaction. Before you use these oils, just make sure that you take a patch test. Just apply a tiny amount to the inside of your arm and examine it after 24 hours. In case there is no reaction, you are safe in using the oil elsewhere on the body. Use essential oils sparingly and carefully to achieve the maximum benefit.

Here are some common ailments and suggestions for the use of essential oils in treating them. It would be a good idea to find an aroma therapist to help you; so that you can blend you own mixture and achieve the greatest benefit from them.

Allergies: Mix one drop of cypress and one drop of hyssop in the palm of your hand and then apply the mixture to the back of your tongue every few hours to relieve hay fever symptoms.

Backache: Mix equal parts of blue chamomile; birch; rosemary or eucalyptus; ginger or black pepper; lavender; carrier oil. Rub into the affected area after a hot bath, when muscles are relaxed and pores are open.

Nausea or stomachache: Put two drops peppermint oil on a sugar cube and suck the cube slowly. Or, add a few drops of peppermint oil to hot water and drink as a tea.