One of the nature’s greatest gifts to mankind is the magical properties of Aromatherapy essential oils. Its existence is considered to be very ancient, with a history of 3500 years. Latest research has only recently shown what aroma therapists have known for many ages: “what we smell has a direct impact on how we feel.”
Like the other common senses, the things we smell are transmitted directly to the brain. Research has proved that lavender aroma steps up alpha waves in the back of the head, which is associated with relaxation.
That means using lavender helps you to relax. On the other hand, jasmine scent increases beta waves in the front of the head, which has been found to make you feel more alert. You will be on your toes, if you smell jasmine.
The use of essential oils includes inhaling their scent. Aromatherapy is an established system of caring for the body with herbal and botanical oils. Many times, it is the scent that gives the therapeutic value, and other times it works better by making the skin absorbing the oil.
Irrespective of how the oil is absorbed into the body, whether through the skin, the mouth, or the nose, essential oils have long been used to help in healing.
Enjoy the benefits of scent by dropping a few drops of essential oil in your bath, or placing some drops or so in a diffuser, which sits on a socket. When using oil on the surface, it is always a good idea to mix the essential oil with carrier oil such as almond, sesame, or olive.
This reduces the impact of the oil a bit, but can also prevent harmful adverse reaction. Before you use these oils, just make sure that you take a patch test. Just apply a tiny amount to the inside of your arm and examine it after 24 hours. In case there is no reaction, you are safe in using the oil elsewhere on the body. Use essential oils sparingly and carefully to achieve the maximum benefit.
Here are some common ailments and suggestions for the use of essential oils in treating them. It would be a good idea to find an aroma therapist to help you; so that you can blend you own mixture and achieve the greatest benefit from them.
Allergies: Mix one drop of cypress and one drop of hyssop in the palm of your hand and then apply the mixture to the back of your tongue every few hours to relieve hay fever symptoms.
Backache: Mix equal parts of blue chamomile; birch; rosemary or eucalyptus; ginger or black pepper; lavender; carrier oil. Rub into the affected area after a hot bath, when muscles are relaxed and pores are open.
Nausea or stomachache: Put two drops peppermint oil on a sugar cube and suck the cube slowly. Or, add a few drops of peppermint oil to hot water and drink as a tea.
[6:13 AM
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