Have you scented those exotic aromas of essential oils emanating from a wall diffuser? Essential oils emanate a subtle fume of aroma, when diffused slowly over a period of time. Diffusion of aromatic aroma brings a whiff of freshness in to your room, like a fresh forest wind.
Diffusion is the process of dispersing essential oils so that their aroma fills a room or an area with the natural fragrance. From the simple to the detailed, many different methods exist for diffusing components oils into your room.
Three easy methods exist which can be carried out with equipments you have in your household. Plus, there are numerous diffusers and diffusing devices available from aromatherapy vendors.
The essential advantages of using diffusers are:
1. The complex but unstable aromas of your favorite oil can be diffused slowly over a period of time.
2. You can use any type of oil for diffusing their aromatic fumes.
3. On diffusion, the oil gives out aroma in a calculated manner, from the unstable high note to more stable low note.
4. You can feel progressive onset of different stages of aromas.
You can methods that are simple and can be done in your home itself:
Simple Tissue Diffusion: Drop 3-4 drops of essential oil on a tissue and place it near you. As movement occurs in the room, you will notice the distinct aroma. This method can be used anywhere, how ever this method does not emit much aroma into a room.
Steam Diffusion: Make boil 2 cups of water. Pour the water into a bowl and add up to 10 drops of oil to the water. Use fewer drops if you are allergic. The steam will heat up the oils and cause them to evaporate quickly into the room. This method will quickly diffuse the oil into a room and the aroma is not exceptionally long-lasting and it is highly unstable.
Candle Diffusion: Light a candle and allow it to burn for about 5 minutes. Put off the flame and place 1 drop of essential oil in the melted wax and then relight the candle. As essential oils are highly flammable please be very careful. The aroma is short lived.
Apart from these home made methods, several diffusers are available among many vendors. Decide on what you need to buy, what oils to be used and how much will need to be paid. Here are some of the diffusers that are available in the market today:
Lamp Rings: Lamp rings are in essence a terra-cotta ring that sets directly and correctly onto a light bulb. It has a deep grooved lip that wraps around it. This lip holds essential oil. The heat from a light bulb heats the essential oil in the Lamp Ring and the oil is then gently diffused into the room. Lamp Rings are usually inexpensive. If any essential oil seeps onto the light bulb, the light bulb could burst. Some of the essential compounds might get altered chemically.
[6:01 AM
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