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When creating a blend, attempt for balance between top, middle and base note oils. Well balanced oil has a complex aroma profile and maintains the aromatherapy benefit throughout the various stages, although the characteristics of the scent may change. It is more stable and its usage spells a clear motive and defined benefit.

Before blending, analyze the various aroma profiles of the oils by dispensing a drop of oil on blotter paper or unscented tissue. Concentrate, inhale and note your impressions. Write notes and build notes for future reference. Trust your impressions and experience of the oils. Try to be connoisseur of smell. What do the different aromas remind you of? How do they under go change and develop throughout the various stages? How does the oil's fragrance make you feel?

As you develop a definite picture of the oils, visualize how they'll work with each other in a blend. Just decide about the part of the oil to be used, which effects are to be enhanced and which harsh characters needs to be toned down.

As a basic blend, just try to imagine a “DAY OUT BLEND” that helps you relax and unwind after stressful day. Your blend should be soothing and relaxing to your nerves, but also able to drive away the troubles of the day and give that much needed boost to carry you through the at home.

Two of the excellent relaxing oils are chamomile and lavender. Uplifting oils include bergamot and lemon. A careful blend of these oils would produce a light, sweet aroma with complex top and middle notes. The bergamot, lemon and chamomile oil components would lend this blend a fruity sweetness. The lavender would make the sweetness a wee bit more floral-botanical.

If you need the blend to be a little less sweet and more stimulating, a little amount of herbaceous, yet penetrating rosemary could be dispensed. The relaxing, spicy-woody oil of rosewood will serve as an effective base to this blend. If you observe, all essential effects of these oils are purely complimentary and in no way conflicting!

Try and learn which essential oils would match the benefit and aroma you're after. Then begin an experiment with various quantities and combinations, until you create the blend you want. Always try to keep notes on what you're doing, so upon a perfect blend you can repeat and make it more perfect.

A workout blend would inspire a perfectly positive attitude about improving health and physical appearance. A perfect blend is invigorating, inspiring and uplifting and such properties of essential oils can help you boost confidence and commitment all through the day. Some oils are activating, others soothe and calm, and still others fight workout odors. Some work like catalyst, while others are purely energizing.

Some of the invigorating and inspiring oils are: Basil, cypress, eucalyptus, fir needle, ginger, grapefruit, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, lime, orange, peppermint, petit grain, rosemary and thyme.

Examples of soothing and relaxing oils are: Cedar wood, chamomile, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, neroli, patchouli, rose, rosewood, sandalwood and ylang ylang.
Anti-odor and Refreshing oils are: All citrus oils, including bergamot, grapefruit, Limon, lime, orange, and tangerine. Other anti-odor oils are coriander, fir needle, juniper berry and lavender.

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