Studies found that we’re under more stress today than our parents were 30 years ago. Time magazine's June 6, 1983 cover story called stress "The Epidemic of the Eighties" and referred to it as the leading health problem of the eighties era; there can be little doubt that the situation has progressively worsened since then.
Numerous surveys confirm that adult Americans perceive they are under more stress than a decade or two ago. A 1996 Prevention magazine survey found that almost 75% feel they have "great stress" one day a week with one out of three indicating they feel this way more than twice a week. One can assume that today’s level of perceived stress is even more impacting than it was in 1996.
Studies also say that job stress is the leading source of stress for adults. Stress levels have also shot up in children, teenagers, college students and the elderly, the reasons include:
Increased crime,
- Violence and other threats to personal safety;
- Pernicious peer pressures that lead to substance abuse and other unhealthy life style habits;
Social isolation and loneliness; - The erosion of family and religious values and ties;
- The loss of other strong sources of social support that are powerful stress busters;
- The more increasingly sense of loss of control.
Eventually, stress can lead to even more serious distress, such as cancer, diabetes or thyroid dysfunction. In addition to the many physiological consequences associated with stress, we also pay a psychological price when we experience unrelieved stress.
For example, anxiety and panic attack conditions, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism can result from, or can be aggravated by, unrelieved stress. So it is very important to become aware of the stress, if any, in your life.
Take immediate proactive action to better manage stress and your health. At the same time make permanent necessary changes in your lifestyle and approach life in a way that you live a less stressed life and keep anxiety as well as depression at bay. If you look for strategies to handle stress you will find many helpful websites, which give detailed information and help regarding stress management. The better you are at managing stress, the healthier and happier your life will be.
In case you are unable to manage your stress on your own, do visit a doctor, he might prescribe you some stress and anxiety medicines. Anxiety medicines like xanax tranquilizers are easily available online. You can buy xanax or order xanax or other related medicines online for your stress and anxiety management.
The author, Sera Redmonds, addresses mental health related issues and anti-anxiety pills like xanax.
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