by Marian Brown
The workplace and stress seem to go hand and hand these days. Job insecurity, harsh lighting, lack of sunshine, computers, chemicals, job pressures and demands, and the list goes on and on it seems. Unfortunately, many of these factors seem beyond our control. We can not put windows in our work space cubicle, nor can we change our job description to lessen time on computers, telephones, and at the copier.
What can we do to lessen the stress and help us cope? One avenue is utilizing aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the art and science of using essential oils (oils extracted from plants) for therapeutic benefit. Because aromatherapy can be done as a self-help technique, it can be very beneficial in the work place.
Used with common sense and guidance, it can be very beneficial in the work place as a stress reducer. The Columbia Seafirst Center is the home to recently opened Amphora Company, a unique specialty shop focusing on Aromatherapy products. Located in the heart of a bustling city and major downtown office building, the owners of Amphora see first hand what the office worker is looking for.
Scent Master Paul Cardoza noted that most of the applications prepared are done in lotions for easy use in the office. Cardoza finds that bergamot and lavender work well for stress and anxiety reduction. He adds that he also finds that dry skin is a concern in the office setting and has found success recommending a lotion with calendula and lavender.
Pendants are also an excellent way to utilize aromatherapy oils. Marcia Elston, owner of Samara Botane, commented that many of her customers use pendants to carry their personal synergies and blends with them. Elston explained that the blends can be in carrier oils that can easily be massaged into the neck or temples, wherever stress seems to accumulate.
A floral water spray, scented as needed, is also suggested. In addition to the aromatherapy benefit, the fine mist also provides moisture to the air, refreshing and revitalizing it. Floral waters, prepared properly, can also be misted directly on the face for an invigorating "pick up". JoAnne Bassett, certified aromatherapist, commented, "I use myrtle floral water sprayed on closed eyelids to help with the visual stress; puffiness, burning, blurring, etc."
Reprinted from the Holistic Health NEWS.
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