Happy Fourth of July! You usually meet this and other holidays with a feeling of unitary burnout and stress ; you feel like going on holiday, finally getting some rest, mustering your strengths and thus preparing for a cutting-edge academic year or work. In bounteous cases you can attribute yourself to people who can’t turn their thoughts from work problems to something deeper copacetic . You my friend are most likely to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Businesspeople often bemoan that even at home, that they can’t stop thinking about work. These thoughts are still spinning in their head even when he or she is trying to fall asleep. As a result he/she/they can’t fall asleep for a long time and this is the way restlessness develops. Connected restlessness, a long working day (greater than 8 hours) are a great stress for our body. And finally, it starts sounding the alarm, reminding us about its needs with deviating indispositions starting from fatigue, tension, high irritability, headache and deeper meditative disorders.
Recently conducted research identified professions mostly subject to the burnout happening. These people always have to communicate with others. The four most risky occupations include: teacher, psychologist, actor, manager, etc. Did you know that students also form a separate group at risk? As they have to burn up the midnight oil, cramming for their exams or completing their college term papers and living on the Mountain Dew and Pizza diet. During the day they have to balance between studies and work. Every person has his/ her own ways of relieving tension, having rest from pressure at work. Scientists define these methods as ecological and non ecological. Non ecological ways of entertaining includes: drinking, smoking, drugs, overeating and gambling. These methods are called non ecological because a person who does not know other forms relaxation can get addicted to them. Various people agree that far increased ecological ways of rest after the work are walking, meeting with friends or spending time in the family circle, watching TV, taking a soothing hot bath or shower or my personal popular of getting a massage! To procure time for rest you should be able to manage your time effectively. If you work all day long and continue doing it when you return home (it does not matter in thoughts or really), your efficiency will gradually decline.
All the time you are lamenting in your own problems and you acquire it unobtainable to forget about them and then have an incentive look at them. You definitely must plan your time so that you have some leisure during work and after it. It really does not matter what you do during the rest. The point is to free your head from work issues at that moment. If you can’t get rid of thoughts about your work during the rest, try to arrange with "a responsible part of yourself", dealing with these problems that it will give you a little time off. After that you will return to them at the appointed time. In this case you will have a deeper efficient control of your state.
Your problems will not be solved just because you are thinking about them all the night. If you manage to acquire some painless methods of relaxation and rest, you will avoid burnout effect and you will feel better. You can use any methods of trance and relaxation during the day, plunging into relaxed state for several minutes. This way you will relieve yourself from stress, prepare for responsible appointment, tuning yourself for certain feelings such as calmness, self- confidence, vitality, burst of energy and high spirits. Hamza